Sunday, November 15, 2009

looking back a bit

since this is no longer primarily a blog about italy, i've decided to remove my support goals from the layout of this page. however, i think seeing the progression of how they were achieved is an amazing picture of the faithfulness and provision of our i'll put them in this post!

Goal #1: $200 by February 19, 2008
Achieved February 7, 2008!

Goal #2: $1000 by March 23, 2008
(Total $1200)
Achieved March 22, 2008!

Goal #3: $1000 by April 11, 2008
(Total $2200)
Achieved March 31, 2008!

Goal #4: $1000 by May 1, 2008
(Total $3200)
Achieved April 11, 2008!

Goal #5: $2970 by May 18, 2008
(Total $617o)
Achieved May 17, 2008

isn't that amazing? it's just so great to see how perfectly God provided for me in a situation that required so much provision! sorry for a short post, but i'm sleepy! i have another big week ahead of me. prayer is much appreciated!

buona notte!

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